November 2011

Kyobo launches the world first Mirasol e-reader

Kyobo (a leading Korean book retailer) launched its first e-reader today - and it uses a color Mirasol display - a capacitive touch 5.7" 1024x768 panel with Qualcomm's front-light LED technology that can illuminate the display. Other features include a 1Ghz processor, Android v2.3 and Wi-Fi. The e-reader is now shipping in Korea for around $300.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 22,2011

Could an airport scanner damage your E Ink display? Not likely...

The Telegraph is reporting that some Kindle users (one user really, according to the report) are complaining that baggage scanners in airports are damaging the E Ink display in their e-reader. They suggest that the X-Ray radiation may permanently damage the display.

Kindle 2011 photo

It's highly unlikely that this is a common issue - there are millions of E Ink e-readers on the market (in 2011 alone E Ink will have shipped over 25 million e-reader displays) and many people are taking their e-readers on a plane. If it were a real problem, we would have noticed before. E Ink themselves told us that they're not aware of a single display failure as a result of an X-Ray machine. It's also possible that the failure in the e-reader is not related to the display.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 22,2011

Mirasol devices coming by middle 2012

Qualcomm's CEO Jacobs promises that Mirasol displays will be in "full production" soon, and e-reader devices that use these displays will ship by the middle of 2012. The company is currently focusing on 5.7" displays for e-readers, but Mirasol displays will also be suitable for Tablets.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 20,2011

E Ink revenues reach over $1 billion in 2011

E Ink Holdings announced today that the company's 2011 revenues reached NT$ 33.271 billion from January to October - crossing the $1 billion mark.

E Ink's revenue climbed 83% compared to last year, mostly due to increased sales of e-reader products.

Read the full story Posted: Nov 09,2011