Flexible - Page 2

Ynvisible and Evonik integrate printable displays and batteries in a single production step

Ynvisible announced a collaboration with Evonik Creavis to combine Evonik's TAeTTOOz printable polymer battery materials with Ynvisible's electrochromic displays. The two companies have also jointly developed a technology demonstrator.

The two companies say that combining the printable battery and display could be used to create novel IoT products. The demonstrator is an ultra low-weight, minimal-energy flexible and transparent system. Both the battery and the display are manufactured in a single step which lowers the production cost and eliminates design and production restrictions of conventional electronics.

Read the full story Posted: May 27,2020

A tour of E Ink's booth at SID Displayweek

Here's a short video showing E Ink's booth at SID Displayweek 2018, where the company demonstrated its latest E Ink displays, devices and prototypes. Some of these displays looked very good, especially the new color panels!

E Ink had some very interesting displays in there - including the new medical patch developed with LTS, the high resolution (400 PPI and 600 PPI) E Ink developed together with JDI, a range of new writing pads (from Sony, ReMarkable and Onyx Boox), the GVIDO music stand display, plastic logic's OTFT-powered panels and E Ink's upcoming beautiful color e-paper displays.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 02,2018

E Ink demonstrates a foldable 10.2" e-paper prototype

E Ink has unveiled a new prototype foldable E Ink display at SID 2017. The display which you can see below in the video (which also shows many other E Ink demonstrations from SID) is 10.2" in size and features a 220 PPI - similar to E Ink existing flexible Mobius displays.

You can see in the video that the display does not fold completely, there's still a gap - the bending radius is 7.5 mm.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 16,2017

Terrad Music to launch its Gvido digital music score by the end of the year

In June 2016 Terrada announced its Gvido E Ink sheet music device, that lets you see sheet music pages (PDFs) on two 13.3" flexible (Mobius) E Ink displays. The company now announced that it plans to start shipping this innovative device by the end of 2017.

Gvido photo

The device also includes input via a stylus (Wacom). The device features Wi-Fi, bluetooth, 8GB of internal memory and micro SD slot. The whole device weighs only 650 grams.

Read the full story Posted: May 03,2017

E Ink and Toppan Printing developed a 32" color flexible e-paper display

E Ink, in collaboration with TOppan Printing, developed a 32" flexible color E Ink display. The companies presented a first prototype, and the plan is to produce this display by the end of 2017.

32'' flexible E Ink prototype (E Ink and Toppan Printing)

This is the largest color flexible E Ink ever developed. We already saw flexible 32" Mobius E Ink panels, but these were black and white. This display uses color-filters produced by Toppan. The display is 0.4 mm thick and it can be curved (it is not truly flexible by the end user). The companies say that this new display offer a higher color gamut compared to previous color E Ink displays.

Read the full story Posted: Sep 17,2016

E Ink demonstrate new color and flexible e-Paper panels at SID 2016

E Ink had a very interesting booth at SID 2016, showcasing its new color e-paper displays, and also other new and existing displays and prototypes.

First up, we have E Ink's new Advanced Color ePaper (ACeP), which is a high-quality full-color E Ink display. ACeP enables rich-color displays, which is enabled by colored pigments and not color-filters like in E Ink's older color displays.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 04,2016

E Ink and Canatu to offer flexible touch E Ink displays for wearable applications

E Ink and Canatu announced a new partnership, to develop a line of flexible touch displays for the wearable markets. The first product will be ready next month (July 2016) - a bendable ultra-thin (0.162 mm) 6.3" touch-enabled E Ink display.

The new display will have a resolution of 200x1040 (169 PPI) with 16 gray levels. It's short and long and suitable for applications such as bracelets and other wrist worn devices. The two companies will hopefully offer other display sizes in the future too.

Read the full story Posted: Jun 02,2016

Microsoft shows a flexible phonecase prototype with a secondary E Ink display

Researchers from Microsoft and the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria developed a new smartphone case prototype called FlexCase -that adds a secondary flexible E Ink touch display.

FlexCase enables users to interact with their phone in several ways - including bending it to flip pages, zoom and navigate. The basic concept is similar to OLED-based prototypes demonstrated in the past. . Back in 2011 Nokia demonstrated an OLED concept called the Kinetic, and in 2015 AUO demonstrated a bendable 5" AMOLED display that includes a film-type touch sensor.

Read the full story Posted: Apr 19,2016

Dai Nippon Printing and E ink to co-develop E Ink based products

Dai Nippon Printing (DNP) announced a strategic partnership with E Ink to co-develop and co-market products that use E Ink displays. DNP will use its strong sales network in Japan to market new products targeted at the marketing and sales promotion segment of the retail market, and the security card and smartcard business for the financial and transportation market segments.

DNP and E Ink booth at RetailTech Japan 2016

E Ink will provide e-paper displays and engineering support to DNP. The two companies will focus on two product types. The first will incorporating E Ink Prism color changing film into retail promotion displays used by retailers for new product launches, in-store promotions and numerous marketing and merchandising activities. 

Read the full story Posted: Mar 10,2016